September 24, 2009

A Day at Pompeii

The rest of the day was alright. Lisa and I got very lost in the enormous city and somehow ended up outside of the city walls lol Please don't ask me how we got there.

In the end we made it out alive, and although our feet were sore, it was really amazing to be able to walk in that city think about what it would have been like 2,700 years ago. I got to walk where the citizens of that town walked. To sit where they sat, enter their homes, and see the remains of amazing works of art.

When you are seeing and touching something so old, it is hard to explain the rush on emotions. In America, there is nothing to compares this too. Our nation is simply only a few hundred year old...

Sooo, all of this to say that just being here opens up a whole new set of emotions. It hard to sort myself out because I've never experienced or felt anything like this and I am wondering if I'll ever get used to it.

Well, I gotta run and pack for the weekend...
....Did I mention I'm going camping on the Mediterranean?

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