Is there really such a thing as truth?Wow, I know, that’s a deep question to begin a blog post with, but it’s something that’s been in the back of my mind for a couple weeks. Can we really pin down what truth is?
According to, Truth is defined as an “agreement with a standard” or “a verified or indisputable fact.” The definition gave the example of mathematical principles. The standard that 1+1 = 2 is a truth that is universally accepted.
So why am I rambling on about math problems? Well, for one, I promised to rant a little in my posts, but mainly it’s because of this nagging suspicion I have that maybe people are not adding correctly in their daily lives.
My whole thought process started after several conversations I had. Each instance was totally unrelated. These friends seemed to think it was okay to act differently around different groups of people. I immediately questioned how honest they were being if they put on a different face depending on their environment.
One response really caught me off guard. They reasoned this was okay because this was who they “really were” and showing “different sides” to different people was okay. “I’m just being genuine with everyone.” Sure, you’ll get to do everything you want to do, unfortunately when you’re running with two totally opposite crowds, this argument doesn’t hold any water. It only ends up hurting others.
So what is truth? If you tell one thing to one person and something different to another – it doesn’t add up. 1 + 1 will never ever ever equal 3 or 11 or 789. Something has to be wrong. One option is not the truth.
Truth is not dependent on our thoughts and emotions.
It is a constant, like that math equation or primary colors. It can not be changed. So its time for all of us to get our heads out of the sand and face reality.
Thanks to those of you out there who do like with integrity. I value your friendship!
And if I just rocked your world because you just realized that 1 + 1 doesn’t equal 3, maybe you need to do some serious thinking about a way to make what you say and what you do add up. I have every confidence that this is something that can be achieved.
Seeking Truth,
Great discussion opener - and some profound insights, but it also shows that sometimes "truth" can be influenced by circumstances, environment, and yes, even one's own perspective. I think this would be a wonderful topic to discuss further. And no, you didn't rock my world with blog, but the photos sure rocked (and I am still loopy from all this velcro glue.)