This morning I logged onto Facebook, and just like every other morning, I was greeted by my home page filled with updates. A convenient way to see what my Facebook friends had been up to since I last logged on. (I call them my “Facebook friends” because even though we have a virtual friendship, that doesn’t mean we really talk)
As I scanned on down the page, I grew more and more disgusted. Status after status, wall post after wall post, were filled either with gushy messages, or a tragic sob story.
Now, I’ve dealt with this before. Summer is when all the college romance dies, (or heats up) but today it seemed extreme.
I am puzzled why anyone would want to share such intimate pieces of information in such a public setting. Am I crazy? Why would I want to read the wall-to-wall conversation between you and your boyfriend/girlfriend? Especially when it is punctuated by excessive amounts of “!!!!” “<3”>
On the flip side, I have been nauseated by sulky profile statuses…I am really sorry that your “heart is in a million pieces and he’s a million miles away” but don’t you have a best friend to go cry to? Your world of “Facebook friends” doesn’t want to know.
Desperate for attention? That is disgustingly sad.
Yeah I know, you can peg me as unsympathetic and heartless…but am I really the only one who feels this way?
Personally, I love sharing exciting things that are going on in my life. I post links and quotes and funny things that happen to me, but I don’t want everybody and their mother to know all the details of my life. (And seriously, by now everybody's mother is on Facebook!) I don’t want just anyone to be able to hop online and read the latest tragedy in Sarah’s life. I have the best friends and family a girl could ask for and they’re my support system – not the cyber world.
hahaha! I couldn't agree more. That is the biggest pet peeve of mine when it comes to facebook. I think the best is when people put something on their facebook status about a girl/boy that they like when they're not in a relationship with that person. All I can think to myself is, "really? what is the world coming to..."
ReplyDeleteI'm glad to see that I'm not the only one disgusted with the use of facebook statuses!