I think I might be going crazy…Oh wait, I already am crazy! (My family constantly reminds me of this) But seriously, have you ever done so much research on one topic that your head starts to spin?
I’ve been thinking about giving my blog a face lift. Yeah, the little flowers and scrapbookish pattern are cute, but I got bored with it about a week after launching the blog. So the search begins.
Generally, I’m pretty artistic, but I have to be inspired before all of my ideas start to gel. After two weeks of searching index after index of blogger backgrounds I gave up. Nothing really seemed to fit what I was looking for. Granted, I had no idea what I was looking for, but I figured I would know it when I saw it. Then inspiration struck - “Why can’t I create my own design? It can’t be that hard right?”
Ha! I laugh now at my naivety.
Sure, there are some simple template generators that can help, and Blogging for Dummies is a great resource...but if I’m going to do something, its going to be done right. I want my blog to be memorable and unique, so a killer design is necessary.
I could have a pro do it – but I’m cheap, so this past week I’ve been exhausting every website I can find about creating blogs and writing html. Let me tell you, Google is a fantastic tool! So far I’ve been able to find answers and coding for everything I need.
Hurray! I’m rolling along and learning all of these sweet tips and tricks, but there is only one problem: I still don’t have an inspiration for my design.
Frantically searching more directories, reading articles, and even downloading free digital scrapbooking packages, I was still coming up with a big fat nothing.
It wasn’t until yesterday that, out of the blue, I got it.
Here is a sneak peak at some things that inspired me:
There is still a lot of work to be done, but I am so excited to dive in and conquer the world of Blogger coding. Hopefully I can get everything completed and launched before September.
Wish me luck!