Last week was a pretty interesting week. The homework load lightened (Thank God!) and I had my first Italian quiz (Crap!) We've finished reading Virgil's epic poem The Aeneid which is a glorious myth on how Rome was founding. This week we're beginning Dante's Inferno... or as Dr Szabo says: "You guys are going to hell!"
Our large excursion was the Colosseum...which was breathtaking, awe inspiring, and sobering. It was incredible to imagine what it would have been like at the height of Roman power, filled with screaming people, and bloody gladiators.

There really are no words to describe what it feels like to stand
there in the setting sun and look over the Colosseum.
As I've mentioned before, its hard to know how to feel. I've never seen anything that is actually thousands of years old before - what does that feel like....its just something you have to experience I guess.
This last weekend was great too. I got to sleep in, do homework, and get train reservations for my 10-day break. Friday night was filled with swing dancing on the terrace, chocolate chip cookies, and homemade lemonade - so wonderful.

Saturday night 11 of us got very dressed up and headed out for a night on the town. We ate dinner and sat outside, wandered the streets of Rome, got Gelato, and found ourselves magically ontop of the Spanish Steps looking out over a view of Rome bathed in the light from a full moon. To top it off - amazing seats at the Ballet.
Being here has been really wonderful, but also hard. Homesickness is setting in as well as some frustrations here....The Lord has really been stretching me in many areas, but I know that in the end it will be worth it.
I only hope that some day God blesses us with a trip to Italy, but for now, living vicariously through your experiences will have to do. Thank you for sharing all the wonder and splendor of your life in Rome (and beyond). For a history lover such as yourself, I can only imagine what you are feeling. Can't wait to relive it all with you when you return. Until then, keep on posting. P.S. It's great for our homeschool study on Italy.
ReplyDeleteI am so jealous of you. I wish I was in Italy. I am have been studying Roman history this year, and I am absolutely fascinated with its influence on all modern culture. The city you are in was the most important place in the world for nearly 2,000 years. Have you gone through some of the underground passageways? Are you going to visit Pompeii? You may want to head to North Africa and see many of the ruins there, too. Good luck in your travels, and, once again, I am so envious of you.