March 10, 2011

Post-Graduation Bucket List

The future is big and wonderful... but too big and wonderful to leave unfilled with happy plans! So, since I am about to enter into the world of real adulthood, I have decided to create a bucket list for my first year out of college. This is just a start...
  1. Get a job (just starting with the basics here!)
  2. Find some means of transporting myself to said job
  3. Develop a budget
  4. Become a coupon clipper
  5. Get involved in my home church
  6. Find 1 reason to smile each day
  7. Seek a community of friends
  8. Journal often 
  9. Run a 5K marathon
  10. Curb my appetite for new dresses (see #3)
  11. Stay in-touch with college friends
  12. Visit said college friends 
  13. Scrapbook my semester in Rome
  14. Take up upholstery (Call me crazy, but I want to be able to do this...and this!)
  15. Become a "regular" at a tiny, romantic coffee shop
  16. Keep fresh flowers in my place of residence
  17. Become the proud owner of some colorful Fiestaware
  18. Subscribe to 1 or 2 magazines and read them faithfully 
  19. Continue my love affair with chalkboards... and maybe even act on my feelings
  20. Write notes to those I love
  21. Blog faithfully on my boring life as an adult
  22. Enjoy every cup of tea I have
  23. Master the art of wearing heels
  24. Get a library card and use it often
  25. Keep thinking about jobs in Europe...

Dreaming about that last one, 

March 8, 2011

A Thought for Today

"If you want to lift yourself up, 
 lift up someone else.”
~ Booker T. Washington

Chewing on this food for thought, 

March 7, 2011

Real Life is Right Around the Corner...

People say that college is the best four years of your life. I hope that's not true. Two months from tomorrow I graduate. Don't get me wrong, the last four years have been wonderful. The experiences I have had and the friends that I have made will be with me for the rest of my life. But its also brought some of the toughest experiences of my life too. Lets hope that things don't all go down hill from here!

So yeah...two months.

I have a small brain aneurysm every time I think about it.

No, I don't have any plans yet, thank you for reminding me. Real life seems to be closing in so quickly and its exciting and frightening all at the same time. I am looking forward to seeing what the future holds, and nervous that I somehow won't be able to cope with it all.

Two months...Freshman year it seemed like these final days would never come. Maybe if I just close my eyes, all the scary insurance and loan monsters will disappear. No? Well then... here's to a fan-stinkin-tastic last two month of college - may they be the best yet!

Wide-eyed and wondering,